Disclosures under the Right to Information Act, 2005

In terms ofthe requirements of the Section4(b) {(i) to (xvii)}of “the Right to Information Act, 2005”,the following information pertaining to the Raj Bhavan, J&K, is made available on its website, for information of the general public. In case any person wishes to obtain further information relating to the functioning of this Office, he/she may contact the Public Information Officer, Lt. Governor's Secretariat, whose particulars have been indicated separately.

Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board.
Web Site: http://www.shriamarnathjishrine.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/ShriSasb?s=08
Section 4 (1) (b) (xiv)
Lt. Governor’s Secretariat has hosted its websitehttp://jkrajbhawan.nic.inon the internet and Public Grievances are also received on its Email-id   rajbhawan-jk@nic.in
Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a Library or Reading room, if maintained for Public use.
Section 4 (1) (b) (xv)
The Office does not deal directly with public. However, members of the public are free to meet the Lt. Governor on any working day, with prior appointment. The public also make complaints through post, E-mail, representations or meetings (with prior appointment) regarding their grievances, which are generally referred to the State Government for report/appropriate action.
Appellate Authority & Public Information Officer of Lt. Governor's Secretariat Raj Bhavan J&K
Section 4 (1) (b) (xvi)
# Name Address Phone No (O)
First Appellate Authority Shri Mohammad Alyas Khan

Additional Secretary

Raj Bhavan, J&K
Lt. Governor's Secretariat Raj Bhavan Srinagar / Jammu (0194) 2500909,
2501414 (F)
(0191) 2542980, 2542902, 2544870 (F)
Public Information Officer (PIO) Shri Mayank Sharma,

Under Secretary

Raj Bhavan, J&K
Lt. Governor's Secretariat Raj Bhavan Srinagar / Jammu (0194) 2501313, 2501616
(0191) 2560225, 2547941
Such Other Information as may be prescribed
Section 4 (1) (b) (xvii)